Sunday, August 21, 2016

Summer of 2016 Oils paintings and sketches

These are 20 minute oil sketches and studies for larger paintings.  They are done basically by B67th Street in Rockaways, New York City, Queens.  The area is beautiful and be on the mind there.  The entire area was developed beautifully.  The boardwalk is about 20 feet higher than the sea level and mind blowing with beauty.

I hope to get at least 10 more this week.  The two oil sketches were done August 14 and 21.  They are lose and done quickly. Hopefully I shall get a few larger finished oils based on those studies.  The top one is already taken and property now of buyer from Oklahoma.  I hope to get at least 20 done as a total before September a long with finished paintings.  I had gotten very ill and could not get working on the beach but I hope to actually get some work done all this week.

16 by 12 oils on canvas

!6 by 12 oils sketch on canvas

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